Thirteen Lives

Based on the true nail-biting mission that captivated the world. Twelve boys and the coach of a Thai soccer team explore the Tham Luang cave when an u ..
Starring:Viggo Mortensen, Colin Farrell, Joel Edgerton
Creators:Ron Howard, William M. Connor
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"Thirteen Lives" ... Based on the true nail-biting mission that captivated the world. Twelve boys and the coach of a Thai soccer team explore the Tham Luang cave when an unexpected rainstorm traps them in a chamber inside the mountain. Entombed behind a maze of flooded cave tunnels, they face impossible odds. A team of world-class divers navigate through miles of dangerous cave networks to discover that finding the boys is only the beginning..

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Thirteen Lives

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Thirteen Lives

Thirteen Lives

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Release Date
Drama, Thriller
Added in
January 25, 2024
Viggo Mortensen Colin Farrell Joel Edgerton Tom Bateman Paul Gleeson

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